An Indie-published Steampunk Fantasy adventure...
Maynard Trigg and The Creature Beneath The Veil
Maynard Trigg lives carefree in the muddied slums of Carthage Skyport making mischief at the expense of his loving father, his friends, and teachers.
But when a skypirate appears, claiming to have been sent to protect Maynard from a murderous creature, he is thrust into a life of magic, theft, and deceit..
4.1 on goodreads
4.56 stars (100+ Reviews)
"The story is an adventure and mystery, wrapped up comfortably in a low science fiction/steampunk aesthetic that is rendered with beautiful minimalism. I recommend this novel for the story alone, and implore review to re-read and unpack the layers at work."
Good Reads review by Sandry